Oh, what a night! Thank you, Hong Kong!
The CSO performed for the Hong Kong Arts Festival before a sold-out crowd. All photos by Keith Hiro. #CSOtour Continue reading Oh, what a night! Thank you, Hong Kong!
The CSO performed for the Hong Kong Arts Festival before a sold-out crowd. All photos by Keith Hiro. #CSOtour Continue reading Oh, what a night! Thank you, Hong Kong!
Audiences know Matt Zory as a member of the Orchestra’s bass section, but Matt is also an accomplished photographer. He graciously agreed to take photos while on tour using a point-and-shoot, and we’re happy to show you the CSO rehearsal at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre through the lens of Matt Zory. #CSOtour #POPStour Continue reading Rehearsal at Hong Kong Cultural Centre
It’s Thursday night in Hong Kong and the CSO’s sold-out performance – the first concert on the #CSOtour – is tomorrow. Adjusting to the 12-hour time difference and preparing to represent the Queen City! Continue reading First Concert Eve
While on tour, CSO & Pops musicians will not only be performing concerts at some of Asia’s most renowned concert halls, but many will also be giving recitals and masterclasses. For example Principal Harpist Gillian Benet Sella and Principal Flutist Randy Bowman are playing works by CPE Bach, Shoposhnikov, Tchaikovsky, Damase, JS Bach, Ibert and Satie as well as some Chinese folk songs in recital … Continue reading Cincinnati’s Ambassador
Well over 24 hours after departing Cincinnati, the Orchestra has arrived in Hong Kong. The first performance on the #CSOtour in Asia is part of the Hong Kong Arts Festival this Friday. Continue reading Touch Down in Hong Kong
The weather proved challenging for the Orchestra’s departure from Cincinnati. Half of the tour party was scheduled to fly out of Chicago and the other half out of Newark. With the nor’easter hitting New York today, plans for that Newark group shifted and they were fortunately able to get to Chicago this morning. We are just over 12 hours from touching down in Hong Kong. … Continue reading Up, up and away…