While on tour, CSO & Pops musicians will not only be performing concerts at some of Asia’s most renowned concert halls, but many will also be giving recitals and masterclasses. For example Principal Harpist Gillian Benet Sella and Principal Flutist Randy Bowman are playing works by CPE Bach, Shoposhnikov, Tchaikovsky, Damase, JS Bach, Ibert and Satie as well as some Chinese folk songs in recital in Hong Kong tonight. They will also play the Shoposhnikov Sonata on March 20 during a chamber concert at the Beijing Central Conservatory featuring several CSO musicians, many of whom will also be giving masterclasses. It is going to be a busy tour!

Outside of the six concerts featuring the full Orchestra, there are 17 musicians participating in 24 different events while on tour including master classes, recitals and chamber performances. 

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